A sustainable world powered
by our expertise.
At Universal Plant Services, we are dedicated to helping customers expedite their energy evolution initiatives and forge a sustainable path toward a clean-energy future.
We assist clients in evolving their renewable energy and electrification efforts. This involves curbing energy usage, managing emissions, and enhancing operational efficiency.
Energy & Resource Efficiency
- Skilled craftsmen servicing equipment and systems to optimize efficiency
- Utilization of the latest technologies and upgrades
- Maximum MTTR and MTB
Emissions Reduction
- Compressor, engine, and component maintenance and repair
- Retrofits of higher efficiency seals
Carbon Capture
- Source capture equipment installation and maintenance
- Installation and maintenance of flare gas recovery units
- Equipment upgrades
Navigating the global energy evolution
On March 15, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its final Good Neighbor Plan to significantly reduce ozone-forming emissions of nitrogen oxides. The plan ensures 23 states meet the Clean Air Act’s “Good Neighbor” requirements and associated deadlines for achieving the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
Contact UPS
Email Good Neighbor Compliance at upsgoodneighbor@universalplant.com
Due to estimated impacts on downwind air quality and the ability to install cost-effective pollution controls, EPA is enforcing NOx emissions control requirements for existing and new emissions sources in the 2026 ozone season. The EPA estimates an approximate 15% reduction in NOx emissions from the 2019 ozone season.
States covered under the power plants and other industries portion of the final Good Neighbor Plan

Universal Plant Services encourages customers to closely examine the impact of the Good Neighbor Plan, especially regarding the use of reciprocating internal combustion engines.
Paving the way for a sustainable future
Good Neighbor Plan (Low Emission Conversions) – Universal Plant Services Solutions
Your unique needs for emissions, compressors, and turbines can be assisted by Universal Plant Services (UPS) Midstream Services for Turnkey (A to Z) Field Services, Equipment Overhauls, Upgrades, Machine Shop Services, and Parts. UPS is committed to maintaining your schedule and emission needs, allowing you to operate safely, smoothly, and environmentally friendly.
Download Good Neighbor Solutions Overview
PDFUniversal Plant Services provides Turnkey (A to Z) Good Neighbor Solutions for Your:
- Air Intake Systems/Air Assist
- Catalyst Systems
- Control Modifications
- Critical Parts and Equipment
- Digital Twins and Data Management
- Electric Motor Conversions
- Engineering Assessments/Audits
- Exhaust Systems
- Facility Piping/Modifications
- Flue Gas Recirculation
- Ignition/Combustion Upgrades
- Turbo Modifications
Universal Plant Services Compression (High & Slow-Speed) And Turbomachinery Specialists:
Facility Revamps/Maintenance
- Specialized labor for day-to-day maintenance, operational assistance, removal, fabrication, and modifications to your facility
Field Services (Non-Union & Union)
- Complete Overhauls and Zero Hour for your High/Slow Speeds and Turbines
- Lubrication Systems (furnished & installed)
- Hot Oil Flushing Services
- Cooling Systems Services
- Bearing Protection
- Starter Systems
- Equipment Relocation
- Vibration and Inspection Analysis
- 24/7 Call-Out Service
Machine Shop Services
- Complete Connecting Rods, Power Heads, Cross Heads, Gear Boxes, Pumps, Compressor Cylinders, Casting Repairs and other
Parts Offerings
- Assistance with your Camshafts and Auxiliary Drives
- Complete Line of Parts to Meet OEM Specifications
- Experienced Parts Specialists with Various OEM Experience
- Provide New and Reconditioned